How To Pick The Best Pair Of Reading Glasses For Your Needs

Picking a pair of reading glasses can seem like a daunting task, but with the right guidance, it's easier than you think. There are a few things to consider when determining which glasses will work the best for you. This quick guide will help identify what your needs are and which type of reading glasses you should be looking for during your search.

Do you really need reading glasses?

Reading glasses are not for everyone. In fact, many people don't actually need a pair of reading glasses. If you have good vision and only need help with reading small text, then you can get by with a pair of magnifiers or simple reading glasses.

If, on the other hand, you need to be able to comfortably read newspapers and books over a long period of time (and especially if you're older), then you probably do need a decent pair of reading glasses.

If you're not sure whether or not you need them, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I have difficulty seeing things up close? For example, if my eyesight is blurry when I read or use my phone?

  • Do I get headaches from focusing on small things for too long? For example, if I'm having trouble finding my keys on the floor because they're so tiny?

  • Am I experiencing any other symptoms like dry eyes or blurred vision while driving? If so, then it might be time to invest in some reading glasses.

The best way to find out is to see an optometrist who can assess your visual needs and offer advice on which type of lens is best for your eyes.

What shape is best?

Reading glasses come in all shapes and sizes—round, square and rectangular frames are just some of the options available. The shape you choose should depend on your face shape and personal preference. Rounder frames tend to suit rounder faces while rectangular frames look good on people with longer faces. You should also take into account what shape other eyeglasses you wear as well as any eye conditions such as astigmatism or hyperopia that may affect your choice of frame shape.

Related Article: How To Find the Right Glasses For Your Face

What strength is best?

The strength (or power) of your reading glasses will depend on how far away from the page or screen you need to hold it in order to see clearly without squinting or straining your eyes.

Which materials are best?

Most people choose plastic frames because they're lightweight and easy to clean and durable—but metal frames are also popular because they can be more stylish than plastic ones (though they may also be heavier).There is really no wrong answer when it comes to materials.

Multifocal lenses may be better for you.

Reading glasses are typically available with a variety of features—and these features can make a big difference in how well your glasses work for you. For example:

Multifocal lenses may be better for you. If your prescription is stronger than +1.00 diopters (D), then multifocal lenses can help you see both far away and close up at once. These lenses will have multiple prescriptions (usually one for each eye) so they'll help with both distance and near vision problems at once.


Finding the right pair of reading glasses can be a bit of a challenge, and it's important to consider your individual needs. In order to do so, you will want to weigh the different features, styles, and qualities before making your decision. It's never too late to switch reading glasses if you're not happy with them; with choices in lens quality, fit, and style out there, there's bound to be a pair that works for you.