9 Tips For New Glasses Wearers

Get the most out of your glasses!

Are you new to the world of glasses wearing? Well you have come to the right place! Getting your first pair of glasses can be a bit intimidating so we decided to put together this easy-to-follow guide with some tips to ensure you feel confident in your new glass wear.

1. Do not be afraid of your glasses!

Glasses make you look smart, or at least more intelligent than without them. They help you see things better as well. So there are many good reasons why you should not be afraid to wear glasses. Just make sure that you pick out the right pair for yourself and that they fit well on your face.

2. Make sure they fit well.

It is important that the frames fit comfortably on your face. If they do not fit properly, then it will be difficult for you to wear them all day long without feeling uncomfortable and even experiencing pain in some cases. You want your glasses to fit snugly but not too tight on your face so that they do not slide down while wearing them or even fall off while walking around with them on your face.

Related Article: How To Find The Right Glasses For Your Face?

3. Get your glasses adjusted.

Once you have purchased a pair of glasses and received them in the mail (or picked up at an optical store), then it is important that you get them adjusted by someone who knows what they are doing so that they are especially comfortable.

Did you know a bad adjustment on glasses can effect your vision? Don't worry plenty of optical stores offer free adjustments and bad adjustments in general are not permanent.

4. Gives yourself time to adapt.

Many people who have not worn glasses before find that they have to adjust to wearing them. It's natural for your eyesight to change as you get older, but sometimes it's hard to tell if the change is just normal aging or a sign of a vision problem.

Give yourself time to adjust. You may notice that your new glasses feel strange at first. But in a short time, you'll probably get used to them and forget you even have them on!

5. Keep them clean.

Cleaning your glasses regularly is one of the most important things you can do to make sure they last as long as possible. Use a soft cloth to wipe away any smudges or dirt on the lenses, and use water and mild soap to clean the rest of the frame.

It is so important, its worth mentioning again. You should clean your glasses every day with a microfiber cloth or eyeglass cleaning spray. Don't use paper towels as they can scratch your lenses!

6. Get a case for them and use it.

A case is essential to prevent scratches and breakage from normal wear and tear, but it's also useful for keeping your glasses in one place so you don't lose them. Choose one that will fit easily into your pocket or purse so you can take it with you everywhere you go.

7. Be careful not to break them.

If you drop your glasses and the lenses crack or chip, don't panic! The good news is that most eyeglass repair shops can fix minor damage to glasses frames and lenses at reasonable prices.

Be weary, lenses often not repaired so you may want to consider signing up for an insurance program of some sort.

8. Try not to leave them in a hot car.

If you have to store or keep your glasses in a car don't leave them there for too long. Heat can cause warping of your lenses and frames, which can make then not feet the same or worse; it hard to see clearly through them. Also, if you paid extra for anti-reflective or Blue light addons the heat from the car will degrade the coating.

9. Watch for changes in vision or discomfort.

Sometimes you get a pair of glasses, and you never feel like you adapted to them (1-2 weeks). If this occurs you may want to return to your Optometrist to have your glasses looked at.

Also in general if you feel you are experiencing serious visual disturbances or discomfort while wearing your glasses, you may not want to wait until to see how things go — call your eye doctor to make sure everything is okay!


So there you have it, a great set of tips to get you started on your path to a happy eyewear experience. Wearing glasses is easy once you know what to do. I hope you found these tips helpful.

Enjoy your new glasses!